Welcome to Spanish Bytes!!
Spanish Bytes will help you to learn Spanish at any level.
This educational project is included in the AURORA DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY AWARD 2019 booklet. This publication highlights innovative and successful inclusion and diversity interventions across all the Aurora Universities Network.
Spanish Bytes strives to develop an inclusive learning environment by making its content more accessible. To that effect if you click on
You will be able to have the entire Spanish Bytes website translated into your preferred language. Also, look out for the icon below and just click on it if you would like the text to be read to you

Spanish Bytes also seeks to foreground values that support diversity and equality. Therefore the content will aim, whereby possible, to integrate the usual language objectives with the transmission of values by raising the profile of diverse realities and peoples. This is done in collaboration with support groups of migrants and refugees in Spain, such as Atalaya Intercultural and Adra. However, inclusiveness also means that students also play a part with their contributions. We would like to make space to as many voices as possible. Get in touch if you would like to collaborate with this project!
The bite-sized resources provided will support your independent learning. This includes cultural bites too, which will open a window for you into the incredible culturally-rich Spanish-speaking world. Windows to that world are also available via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Let Spanish Bytes know what you need, and if it is not yet available on the website, we will build content having your specific needs in mind. In return, we would like to receive your feedback, with plenty of suggestions, your questions and indeed also your help in spreading the word for our freely-available content.
Spanish Bytes is a project created and maintained by Marián Arribas-Tomé, based for many years at the University of East Anglia and with extensive experience teaching Spanish, translation, and culture and society related content. You are in good hands here!