Translated into Chinese by Taochen Zhou
In the Sierra Tarahumara, in the estate of Chihuahua in Mexico, live the Taraumara or Rarámuri people. The Rarámuri, or “light feet”, as it is reported they call themselves, is a group of indigenous people known for their prowess in running long distances. This is put down to the fact that their settlements are widely dispersed. They can run up to 200 miles (320 kilometres) in one session, over a period of two days. These people are mainly settled in the Western Sierra Madre and in the Copper Canyon. This is a region with deep canyons, bigger and deeper than the famous Canyon of Colorado.
在墨西哥契瓦瓦州的塞拉塔拉乌乌拉,居住着塔拉乌乌拉族人,又称拉拉穆里人。拉拉穆里人,也自称为“轻脚”,是一个擅长于长跑的原始居民群体。据说,这是因为他们的居住地较为散落,相互距离遥远的原因。他们能两天之内连续跑上200英里 (320公里)。他们主要定居于铜峡谷的塞拉玛瑞。这个峡谷比科罗拉多大峡谷更深,更宽。
Tarahumara runner Lorena Ramírez, made history in Tenerife’s Blue Trail (Spain) in June 2018. She was the first Rarámuri woman to complete a European ultramarathon and to make it to the 3rd position. The competition held in Tenerife in the Teide National Park brought together 2,800 participants from 38 countries. This competition takes place on difficult terrain and up to a height of 3,500 meters above sea level. Lorena Ramírez run with “huaraches” (a type of Mexican sandal, pre-Columbian in origin). She also wore traditional clothing that she makes herself.
2018年6月,塔拉乌乌拉长跑运动员洛雷娜·拉米雷斯在西班牙的特内里费山地超级马拉松创下记录。她是第一位在欧洲的超级马拉松比赛的拉拉穆里女性,并位居第三。该竞赛在泰德国家公园的特内里费进行,聚集了来自38个国家的2800名选手。该竞赛的地形条件艰难,在距海平面3500的高度。洛雷娜·拉米雷斯跑步时脚穿的是一种前哥伦布时期的墨西哥式平底凉鞋, 身穿她自己制作的传统服装。
We can hear Lorena talking about her life in this video. Also, we can see her featuring in a music video-clip by Jorge Drexler, appropriately titled “Movimiento” (Movement). You can just listen and watch, but if you are interested, you can also access the lyrics and its translation into English here.
我们可以从这个视屏当中听洛雷娜·拉米雷斯讲述她的人生故事。同时,也能在荷西·德克勒一个音乐视频中见到她,视频的名字大约叫 “运动”。在您着听音乐观赏视频的同时,如果有兴趣,您可以在这里找到原歌词和英文翻译。
Speaking of Jorge Drexler, an Uruguayan musician, check this article on Spanish Bytes to hear him talk at a TED TALK event in Vancouver, if your mother tongue is Chinese, you may benefit from having the talk with its Chinese transcription here. The topic captures in a different and illuminating way the theme of the song “Movimiento”. It is worth listening to it!
关于荷西·德克勒,他是一名乌拉圭音乐家,您可以参阅Spanish Bytes 上的这篇文章,当中有他在温哥华进行的TED大会的演讲。如果您的母语是中文,您可以参阅这里相应的中文翻译稿。演讲用别开生面的方式呈现了歌曲的主题 “运动”。一定不容错过!
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