Diverse families are a reality of this world. However, the understanding and the acceptance of new configurations of what a family is does not come easily everywhere.
Non-traditional family structures are increasingly more common, although they do not make the majority and they they are not seen as equal or as as good as the more traditional forms by every individual.… CONTINUE READING
There are many ways to try to understand a country, my favourite is traffic. It is more eloquent than it seems, just simply sharpen your eyes from a simple taxi. Take the case of Peru, one of the most beautiful countries in Latin America, and with the greatest potential, which has just closed the Pan American Games with flying colours.… CONTINUE READING
Is Rosalía Latina or Hispanic? This is a question that can get people confused. Would you be able to explain the difference between Latino and Hispanic? If you are not sure, keep reading!… CONTINUE READING
I am bringing to you a very eye-opening talk by Dani Villanueva, in Spanish. He would like us to consider all those places in the world we do not know anything about.… CONTINUE READING
Migration and refugee crises have been changing slowly what being Spanish looks like. Yaroslava, Khadiya, Mikelly and Alpha are some of those settling down in Spain. They would like to stay.… CONTINUE READING