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Personal information: introducing yourself

Personal information: introducing yourself is your opportunity to hear a Spanish-speaker from Spain giving some personal information. You will have to scroll down and click on the clip at the bottom of this page to watch and listen.CONTINUE READING

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Spanish-speaking places

[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] Spanish-speaking places… Hmmmm…. Maybe they have asked you this before, but here is the question: how many countries in the world have Spanish as their native language?CONTINUE READING

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Learning by numbers

Learning by numbers. Let numbers test how good you are at writing and saying them in Spanish.

Write down the following numbers and then… keep writing by reversing the number order.CONTINUE READING

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Where are all these things from?

Where are all these things from? Food and music with some very specific places of origin. You have an opportunity to decide on the countries all these items come from. Check here once you are done!CONTINUE READING

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professions and places of work

Different professions and places of work, gets you started with making phrases and getting you familiar with some useful vocabulary.

Once you are done you can check.

You can still take this activity one step beyond!… CONTINUE READING

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¿Él o ELLA?

Él o ella? That is the question.

Read the sentences in the box further below and make decisions on whether each sentence implies masculine or feminine or could apply to both.CONTINUE READING

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Writing up some personal information

If you have done the listening and/or the reading comprehension A DAY WITH CLAUDIA, this is your chance to check. You have below some stars indicating the correct selection of the options you should have chosen.CONTINUE READING

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A day with Claudia

Listen to the following recording and then choose one of the options provided for each of the questions below:

If you would like to have access to the transcript, click TRANSCRIPT.CONTINUE READING

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Letter to Pedro

Claudia is writing to Pedro, her friend from Chile, and telling him all about her life in a new city. Read the text in this letter and decide whether the following questions are true or false:

  1. Claudia is working and studying in Spain  
  2. Claudia works and goes to class four days a week
  3. Claudia loves doing sport
  4. Claudia does not like the weather back home
  5. Claudia and her friends do not like cooking

And also… Choose one of the following options that best completes each of the sentences below, according to the information in the letter:

  1. Claudia likes her job because…
  • she earns a lot of money
  • she can go to university
  • she can practice her Spanish
  • she likes doing some sports


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Ana y sus planes

Lee sobre los los planes de Ana y responde a las preguntas.

  1. ¿Por qué va a visitar Ana el País Vasco la semana que viene?
  2. ¿Por qué quiere viajar en tren?
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