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Expresando deseos

Vamos a explorar un cambio de perspectiva a la hora de expresar nuestra posición ante temas que conciernen los Ojetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Como se ve a continuación, en el contexto de Los Altos de Chiapas, en México, hay varios objetivos que aún no se han cumplido por una serie de razones.… CONTINUE READING

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Vida sostenible: Alimentación sostenible

Gracias a Amber Swan, Terpsithea Ilia y a Shannon Jones, estudiantes de Filología Hispánica en la Universidad de East Anglia, Reino Unido, por su contribución


Lee el siguiente titular del periódico El País, publicado recientemente.… CONTINUE READING

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From El País newspaper

The Climate and the Pandemic are two topics difficult to ignore these days, and Bill Gates has quite a bit to say about both.

In El País newspaper, you can read an interview done with him recently where Bill Gates reflects on recent experiences in connection to COVID-19, and makes some predictions about the future.… CONTINUE READING

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Cambio de perspectiva

The following are some of the Sustainable Development Goals concerning the environment. I have adapted these and other action points in the 17 objectives so that you can have a good summary of some of the key actions set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, which are intended to be achieved by the year 2030.… CONTINUE READING

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