Is Rosalía Latina or Hispanic? This is a question that can get people confused. Would you be able to explain the difference between Latino and Hispanic? If you are not sure, keep reading!… CONTINUE READING
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Is Rosalía Latina or Hispanic?
Percussion in the Spanish-speaking world

Drumming is just drumming you may think. But the fact it that there is quite a bit of variety in the way and in the context in which drumming takes place across the Spanish-speaking world.… CONTINUE READING
In the Sierra Tarahumara

See the Spanish version of this text further down.
In the Sierra Tarahumara, in the estate of Chihuahua in Mexico, live the Taraumara or Rarámuri people. The Rarámuri, or “light feet”, as it is reported they call themselves, is a group of indigenous people known for their prowess in running long distances.… CONTINUE READING
Music and identity, a mirror

Music and identity, a mirror, is a call for attention. I thought it important to tell you that Jorge Drexler presents at some point in his talk the tracing back of the history of ‘la milonga’.… CONTINUE READING
Buenos Aires tango
Buenos Aires may still be one of those places you have not yet been to. However you can take one step in that direction by engaging with one of its well-known cultural outputs, the tango.… CONTINUE READING
La gozadera

La gozadera (Spanish term meaning a “good time” or “party”) is a song by Cuban duo Gente De Zona’s album “Visualízate”. It features American singer Marc Anthony. Marc Anthony, was born in New York City to parents from Yauco, Puerto Rico.… CONTINUE READING
Something different, from Colombia
Tierra, desde Galicia
Tierra, desde Galicia. These are Xoel López and Ivan Ferreiro, uniting forces in one of those beautiful beaches on the Cantabrian Sea coast to sing “Tierra”. Two singers from Galicia in North-western Spain.… CONTINUE READING
Txalaparta, courtesy of some Northern Basques
Txalaparta is not a Spanish word, it is a word from one of the four official languages in Spain, Basque. Every Spaniard has the duty to know and speak Spanish. However, this rule does not apply to the other three official languages.… CONTINUE READING
From Barcelona, Jairo Zavala, aka Depredro. Try it, but it could bite… you have been warned! 🙂
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