Is Rosalía Latina or Hispanic? This is a question that can get people confused. Would you be able to explain the difference between Latino and Hispanic? If you are not sure, keep reading!… CONTINUE READING
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Is Rosalía Latina or Hispanic?
What do we know about those places where there is no light?

I am bringing to you a very eye-opening talk by Dani Villanueva, in Spanish. He would like us to consider all those places in the world we do not know anything about.… CONTINUE READING
New Spaniards
Migration and refugee crises have been changing slowly what being Spanish looks like. Yaroslava, Khadiya, Mikelly and Alpha are some of those settling down in Spain. They would like to stay.… CONTINUE READING
In the Sierra Tarahumara

See the Spanish version of this text further down.
In the Sierra Tarahumara, in the estate of Chihuahua in Mexico, live the Taraumara or Rarámuri people. The Rarámuri, or “light feet”, as it is reported they call themselves, is a group of indigenous people known for their prowess in running long distances.… CONTINUE READING
Image bytes

Image bytes, whether you want to practice or develop your vocabulary or writing sentences, one point of grammar or another, or a combination of all of those. Images are wonderful triggers and starters for you to enter the path of your language practice.… CONTINUE READING
Qué or Cuál
Qué or Cuál, an opportunity to test yourself again… (If you do not quite remember the difference check THIS post. You will then be well equipped to tackle the activity).… CONTINUE READING
Hay, ser and estar are very important verbs in Spanish. They are also a bit peculiar, and you have to learn why.
We use HAY (the infinitive form is HABER), to refer to the existence or no-existence of people, animals, places, objects… We use it always in the third person singular, even when a plural word follows:
- There isn’t any milk in the fridge = No hay leche en la nevera.
In order to help you to decide between ¿QUÉ? and ¿CUÁL? or ¿CUÁLES? I am giving you some criteria you can use to guide your choice:
1. If you are asking for information, in the sense of a definition or the meaning of something:
- What is the St.
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