With “Routine preparing oral practice” the aim is to get you thinking about some steps that will support a positive experience, when you do some oral practice. It pays off to be a little bit organised.… CONTINUE READING
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IR A + INFINITIVE (one type of future tense)
Future tense! Time to test yourselves. Try this QUIZZ and see whether you need to revise this again, or whether, on the contrary, your revision so far proves to be going pretty well!… CONTINUE READING
Revision, practice & assessment
Revision and practice makes perfect, prepares you for real-life interactions and for assessment too. So the more the better!
You can decide, but I always suggest that you do a bit of revision and then you try to tackle an activity to see how well you can fare.… CONTINUE READING
Asking about a famous person
A famous person: a good opportunity to give your oral skills a boost and to remember what key phrases to use when asking personal information about other people. CLICK HERE for a full access to both the script and the audio.… CONTINUE READING
Tutorial: shopping for food (DIALOGUES)
IN THIS TUTORIAL you will hear some examples of dialogues that serve as a model for your oral practice. There are some comments and guidance as for how to use them for revision practice.… CONTINUE READING
Verbs of routine: revision and practice
Click HERE and you will have access to a couple of activities to practice with sentence structure and verbs of routine. Click on SOLUTIONS to check once you try the exercises.… CONTINUE READING
Verbal periphrases, coming to the rescue!
Verbal periphrases are very useful. That is because they will help you to express a wide variety of things.… CONTINUE READING
Simple present: uses, some irregular verbs & practice
Click HERE for some very useful information and some practice.
Tutorial: doing shopping (useful vocabulary)
In THIS TUTORIAL you will have an opportunity to learn some vocabulary, revise it, and/or assess yourself.
Prepare to do some shopping!
You can access the PDF of the document HERE.… CONTINUE READING
Routine: revision & practice
It helps to do some revision and practice when it comes to writing and talking about your routine. The more used you are to the most common words involved the better.… CONTINUE READING
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