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Translation Medley

After you have done some revision, you may want to test yourselves and check how much you can get translated in 45 minutes, without the help of a dictionary. It is good to give yourselves a taste for an assessed, timed translation task if that is what you eventually have to face for real.CONTINUE READING

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Revision exercises

You have had a good go at learning some vocabulary, verb conjugation in the simple present tense, the present continuous, the verb gustar, the future (IR a +INFINITIVE)…, plenty of things to test yourself about.CONTINUE READING

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Question words

question wordsQuestion words will be crucial for your daily interactions with Spanish speakers. You can find in this tutorial HERE a valuable summary of the main things you need to know about these important key words.CONTINUE READING

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Work and means of transport

Means of transportWork and means of transport is a TUTORIAL where you are going to be given some context where some irregular verbs are needed. You will have an opportunity to get familiar with those verbs, which are involved in explaining what people do for a living.CONTINUE READING

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COMPARATIVES a bit of practice

HERE you will find an opportunity to practice what you know already about comparatives.

Comparative structures replicate quite literally what you know about comparatives in English, but for a reminder of those main structures in Spanish and the KEY WORDS involved in them you can have a LOOK HERE.CONTINUE READING

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ROUTINE: verbs and expressions of time

REloj & cuaderno vintageIn this TUTORIAL you will find a reminder of the main things to consider when talking or writing about your normal routine.

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Talking about your family, descriptions and personal information

Mi familiaTalking about your family (real or imaginary, it is up to you!), will give you an opportunity to apply what you have been learning recently into practice. Finding a topic such as describing your family, is a useful way to test yourselves on whether you are becoming more confident in using all the vocabulary and grammar that you have been studying so far.CONTINUE READING

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Protected: Lesson Planning for week 6

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Learning a language

cranesLearning a language is like finding yourself at home in a kind of building site. Your bricks are words of all sorts, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, connectors. Your mortar is grammar.CONTINUE READING

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You can watch this presentation, paying attention to the relevant verbs and most useful words involved, and use it as model to write your own about your place of choice.CONTINUE READING

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