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Making decisions on verbs and verb conjugation

Making decisions on verbs and verb conjugation gets better with a little bit of practice. Getting to know your topics and the key words that are relevant helps quite a lot.… CONTINUE READING

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¿Estar or haber?

¿Estar or haber? If you are not sure, this is a good place to get clear about when to decide to use one verb or the other. You just need to consider what type of words are associated with each verb and some examples.… CONTINUE READING

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Gustar, a visual summary

Gustar, a visual summary is a reminder of all the key elements that play a role in a typical phrase made with the verb gustar.

For more information about gustar, and similar verbs such as encantar and interesar go to this tutorial.… CONTINUE READING

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Wishes and duties… Sometimes we would like to do something, but we have to do something else. This tension between our intentions and our obligations can be easily expressed in Spanish by using two structures that can be also found in English.… CONTINUE READING

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¿A qué hora?

In the context of routine, we need to say at what time we do certain things. So we need to know our times in Spanish.

Here you have an opportunity to practice.… CONTINUE READING

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What is the question?

And what is the missing question word? You are not sure? Why don’t you try and see how many you get in? Would you like to check when you are ready?… CONTINUE READING

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Transforming sentences

When you have been revising there comes a point where the only way to know whether you know, or whether you know something better than before is by… doing. Take these activities below and see whether you can make it… different!… CONTINUE READING

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Normalmente… pero hoy…

In this activity you will test your ability to move from the simple present tense to the present continuous.

Look at the example below and then complete the information in the activity.CONTINUE READING

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Special verbs, using the right form



Special verbs, using the right form is testing your familiarity with the conjugation of the verb GUSTAR. The verb gustar is a bit different from other verbs and it is important to express likes and dislikes.CONTINUE READING

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Special verbs, questions

This is an opportunity for you to test yourself. How much do you know about the so called ‘special verbs’?

You may want to revise this particular point of grammar before trying to do this activity.CONTINUE READING

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