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Consumo sostenible

A veces los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible se logran a nivel institucional, o a través de una organización sin ánimo de lucro, como Educa Guinea. Sin embargo es importante no olvidar que en otros contextos, como el familiar, podemos tener actitudes o tomar decisiones que también contribuyen al logro de esos objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.
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Infectarán con Covid-19 a personas sanas

La pandemia da mucho que hablar. Ahora nos centramos en el tema de las vacunas.

Escucha las noticias recientes en relación con el Reino Unido, y responde a las siguientes preguntas.CONTINUE READING

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Comparación exageración

Hay muchas expresiones en español que usan la comparación para hablar de percepciones u opiniones personales sobre algo o alguien. Conecta las palabras de cada columna para formar algunas de las más comunes:

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Reading comprehension: a letter to Susana

three people reading and writing at a table

Reading comprehension. The more you read the more you understand. Although it does help to do some revision first. In any case, even if you have not revised yet, a reading comprehension activity makes you consider your strategy, your aim and allows you to check for your level of understanding.… CONTINUE READING

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¿A qué hora?

In the context of routine, we need to say at what time we do certain things. So we need to know our times in Spanish.

Here you have an opportunity to practice.… CONTINUE READING

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Personal information: introducing yourself

Personal information: introducing yourself is your opportunity to hear a Spanish-speaker from Spain giving some personal information. You will have to scroll down and click on the clip at the bottom of this page to watch and listen.CONTINUE READING

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Spanish-speaking places

[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] Spanish-speaking places… Hmmmm…. Maybe they have asked you this before, but here is the question: how many countries in the world have Spanish as their native language?CONTINUE READING

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Learning by numbers

Learning by numbers. Let numbers test how good you are at writing and saying them in Spanish.

Write down the following numbers and then… keep writing by reversing the number order.CONTINUE READING

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Some key words for asking questions

Some key words for asking questions are needed to complete the dialogues. Access the document and once you are done you can check here.

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Doing some shopping

In this TUTORIAL you will have a chance to learn some vocabulary of items you may want to go shopping for.


In this TUTORIAL you can learn vocabulary of items for the context where you go shopping for food.CONTINUE READING

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