If you want to practice your pronunciation as well as to learn the words, LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST.
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Some vocabulary (food)
Work and means of transport
Work and means of transport is a TUTORIAL where you are going to be given some context where some irregular verbs are needed. You will have an opportunity to get familiar with those verbs, which are involved in explaining what people do for a living.… CONTINUE READING
Talking about your family, descriptions and personal information
Talking about your family (real or imaginary, it is up to you!), will give you an opportunity to apply what you have been learning recently into practice. Finding a topic such as describing your family, is a useful way to test yourselves on whether you are becoming more confident in using all the vocabulary and grammar that you have been studying so far.… CONTINUE READING
En la frutería
Test yourself: how many of the items below you can name? Check after you have given it a try! & LISTEN if you want to practice your pronunciation.
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¿Qué hora es?
Try it with some music…
Giving directions
HERE you will find a map, a starting point (we are facing north), and a number of examples of how simple can be to give some directions in Spanish!
Once you have studied the examples, and practiced the pronunciation HERE, you can give a go at following some directions to locate the missing streets in your map that are listed at the bottom of the page.… CONTINUE READING
One picture, many sentences
A good way to test yourselves for different tenses and types of verbs that you have been learning recently is this:
1. chose a picture like the one in this article.… CONTINUE READING
These activities will be helpful to expand your vocabulary on this topic and to test yourselves, once you have learnt it. Check HERE for the answers to the first one.
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