In collaboration with Hollie Appleton and Lazar Andelkovic, Spanish Honours, Pathway B1, UEA

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In collaboration with Hollie Appleton and Lazar Andelkovic, Spanish Honours, Pathway B1, UEA
Si no has visto este vídeo, hazlo. Así podrás realizar la actividad que se te presenta a continuación.… CONTINUE READING
Vamos a reflexionar sobre los estereotipos de género. El tema de “género” aún produce muchos problemas y conflictos. Estos se pueden manifestar de forma verbal, física y psicológica.
Vas a ver un video clip.… CONTINUE READING
Si no tienes hijos es difícil saber qué tipo de padre serás. Pero quizá conoces a gente (amigos, familia…) que sí tiene hijos. Esta actividad es una actividad de reflexión.
Agradezco la colaboración y contribuciones de Hollie Appleton, Taylor Denby, Niccolo Rodino, Diogo Alexandre Dragao Cantiga, Yuna Roots, Nick Tyler, Celestine Malins, Juliette Rebold-Stead, Josh Daplin and Lazar Andelkovic, del grado de Filología Hispánica de la Universidad de East Anglia
Haz una lista de todo aquello que conoces sobre la cultura, la geografía o la política de este país.… CONTINUE READING
We are not always in a position to help a refugees or to give money to an organisation that supports migrants. But we can all learn and educate ourselves so that we understand the complexities of migration and the human price that opposing and blocking migration produces only too often, every day.… CONTINUE READING
¿Conoces a alguien de otro país que se ha asentado en su ciudad o pueblo y ha tratado de mejorar su vida?
Hay muchas razones detrás de la decisión de migrar.… CONTINUE READING
Cleaning has been associated with women for centuries. Women have traditionally been indeed linked with house chores in the Spanish-speaking world until the present day.… CONTINUE READING
The following text can be used for translation purposes in the context of a discussion on gender equality. This text contributes to the knowledge about the situation of women working in a higher education setting.… CONTINUE READING
Diverse families are a reality of this world. However, the understanding and the acceptance of new configurations of what a family is does not come easily everywhere.
Non-traditional family structures are increasingly more common, although they do not make the majority and they they are not seen as equal or as as good as the more traditional forms by every individual.… CONTINUE READING
I am bringing to you a very eye-opening talk by Dani Villanueva, in Spanish. He would like us to consider all those places in the world we do not know anything about.… CONTINUE READING
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