We are interested in the future, both in terms of being intrigued about what will be like in a few years time and ways in which we can talk about it. One future tense that we have not yet seen and that will help with our ability to talk about the future in Spanish is the future perfect.
With the simple future we saw that we can make predictions and express consequences.
Pienso que muchos animales se extinguirán
Pienso que si no cambiamos, el nivel del mar subirá y nuestra ciudad estará bajo el agua.
With the future perfect we are going to be able to add to our range of expression. Observe the following:

The question indicates an expectation for speculative thinking (another use for the simple future tense, which can be used to translate ideas such as ‘he may be 30 years old’: tendrá 30 años), not certainty nor a conclusive explanation. And indeed in the answer we have a hypothetical approach, a guess. It is a guess about something that has already happened. In a way we are still talking in probabilistic terms, like with the simple future. The difference is that, in this case, we are speculating about the probability that something has happened in the past. There is an underlying sense of UNCERTAINTY or lack of total certainty. We cannot be sure 100% that what we are saying is the real reason for something to be the way it is. What is clear is that whatever made it the way it is, happened before our talking about it.
There is still yet another way you can use the perfect future. This is to express predictions on actions that we foresee or present as something that will be completed by some specific time in the future.

In this case, we are talking about an event scheduled to happen between the 1st and the 12th of November in Glasgow in 2021, and therefore we can be pretty sure that by the 13th the Summit would have already happened.
Framing the point in the future for which you are predicting with a high degree of certainty, can be done in different ways. Dates or expressions of time are clear examples. But you can also frame an action in relation to another:
Me habré informado sobre la Cumbre del Clima antes de opinar.
There are two actions: to get informed and to voice an opinion, are sequenced in the future. One will have happened before the other does.
This is the structure you need to remember:

You already know about past participles as the present perfect also needs them. See below a reminder of some irregular ones and of verbs that have both a regular and an irregular form:

Now you have enough knowledge to be able to put this futuro perfecto into good use.
In the following images you can find the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Your TASK is to write what will have meant in 2030 if we had met the main criteria listed below. For example, and to get you started:
Se habrá garantizado la disponibilidad y la gestión del agua y el saneamiento para todos.
So in a nutshell:
- identify the verbs
- add the impersonal “se” to the third person (singular or plural), as we are emphasizing the action and not who carries it out
- conjugate the verbs in the perfect future form
- if you are unsure about the meaning of some words you can access a summary of the objectives in ENGLISH .

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