With special thanks to Heidi Börger, Teacher of German as a Foreign Language, for her contribution in creating this material
Giving directions in a context where technology comes easily to the rescue may give you the false impression that you do not need to learn this particular topic. However, we have probably all experienced times where the battery on our phone was down, or have been to places where maps are not helping. You certainly will be better off if you could speak to a local.
In addition to this, you may one day come across a Spanish-speaking person that happens to be in your country and needs help with directions. Wouldn’t it be great that you could help them in their own language? That is what I have needed sometimes when visiting other countries, a local that could speak Spanish. For example, in this video clip I am speaking to one in Germany.
See how much you understand. Try to locate the church I was looking for in this map. When you think you are ready, check to see whether you were right. Were you?

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