
Sharing to learn and learning to share

Sharing to learn and learning to share are ways in which you can make your learning well-grounded and purposeful. You can also turn yourself into an agent of positive change.

You only need, ideally, a desire for learning and exploring, and a wish to help others. There are so many people that still cannot have access to formal education, let alone learning a foreign language. These people may become migrants. Some of them, from Sub-Saharan countries, from Pakistan and India are already in Spain. More often than not, they arrive without being able to communicate in Spanish. Their lives suffer from this, especially if they are not able to attend adult language classes.

With Spanishbytes we can give them the opportunity to access important information. Information about the language and about culture-related content. By doing that, we can improve their lives.

Join in our efforts to make Spanishbytes a useful open resource for those in need of most help. Make a contribution. Turn your learning into an item that will add to the existing repository. Put your name on it, and take the credit for learning and sharing for a good cause.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. -Margaret Mead


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