Tag Archives | Cultural Bytes

Where is Santiago?

Santiago en el mundo



Where is Santiago? ¿Dónde está Santiago? As you can see there are several possible answers to that question. All of them locations within the Spanish-speaking world. If you are wondering why this is such a popular name, or if you want to know more, keep reading.… CONTINUE READING

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Torrijas, a bit of history for you to make

Captura de pantalla 2016-03-23 a las 16.31.25

Ready-to-eat torrija

Torrijas is a sweet that is usually eaten in Spain only around the time the Holy Week, or Semana Santa, is celebrated. You can buy them at the local bakeries, but many people also produce their own home-made ones, as they are fairly easy to make.CONTINUE READING

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Captura de pantalla 2015-03-31 a las 15.57.28Smarter Spanish is for you. As a general rule, it is good to keep a sense of general direction when you are learning. Let’s call that motivation. However, motivation alone does not get you to do what you have to do, in detail.CONTINUE READING

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